Monday, May 21, 2007

Sharing the shopping.

We're actually doing ok. It has helped to have the great neighbors, and we're getting to know them much better.

We take turns running into the city to get groceries and supplies. Tomorrow is my turn, and neighbors have been leaving me notes, telling me what they need me to pick up. No one ever goes in without checking with the others. Its kinda nice to know that they're thinking of us.

I've gotten to know the cereals that Bob and Nikki gotta have. I know Frank's favorite pino. Mrs. Peterson needs her Vogue. I'm sure they're getting to know me pretty well, too.

Sharing the shopping duty is proving to be a good thing. I like not having to shop so much. Where we used to run into town for milk, and then back again to get eggs -- now we're much more deliberate about when we go, and what we get. We actually make shopping lists now.

I've been reading about some of the unrest around the nation. We're good here. Lots of complaining, and a few fisticuffs at the long gas lines, but apparently, it could be worse.

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